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Response data details for the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) List

  1. Response Data Table:
nationalityNationality of the individual.String
ageAge of the individual.Integer
img_urlURL of the individual’s image.URL
nameName of the individual.String
info_linkAdditional information link about the individual.URL
date_of_birthDate of birth of the individual.String (YYYY/MM/DD)
arrest_warrantsArrest warrants of the individual.Object (see 1.1. section)
place_of_birthPlace of birth of the individual.String
sexGender of the individual.Character (‘M’ or ‘F’)
originOrigin of the alert (e.g., ‘red’ for Interpol red alerts).String
entity_idUnique identifier of the individual in Interpol.String

1.1. Arrest Warrants:

chargeArrest warrant charge.String
issuing_country_idArrest warrant issuing country.String
charge_translationArrest warrant charge translation.String